Sign Up for an Account:
Click the “Sign Up” or “Get Started” button.
Enter required details like name, email, password, company name, and industry.
Choose the Free Trial Option:
Select the plan offering a 7-day free trial during the sign-up process.
Enter Payment Information:
Provide payment details for seamless transition to a paid plan post-trial.
No charges until the trial ends, and cancellation is possible anytime before the end of the trial.
Confirm Your Email Address:
Check your email for a confirmation message and click the verification link.
Log In and Start Exploring:
Log in to ADXL.AI and start using the platform’s features and tools during the 7-day free trial.
A step-by-step guide to activating your ADXL 7-day free trial.
Written by Amy Josephine
Updated over 4 months ago